
Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam

by Kottakkal Ayurveda

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Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam description

Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam product Description :

  •     Chyavanaprasam or Chyawanprash is considered as the rasayana NUMBER 1 in ayurvédic medicine.
  •     It is consumed every day by millions of people in India, children, youngs and less youngs, since thousands of years.
  •     According to Charaka Samhita, the reference book of Ayurveda, chyawanprash is especially good for alleviating cough and asthma.
  •     It is reputed for improving metabolism and immune system.
  •     Its main function is to improve digestion and respiration which are the sources of metabolism
  •     And what's more chyawanprash has a calming effect on nervous system and stress and improves concentration and memorization.
  •     Chyawanprash looks like a marmelade that you can use like jam, on a slice of bread or eat directly from the spoon (which i prefer personally).
  •     It is mainly composed by the most rich in vitamin C fruit : Amla or Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) which contains 20 times the amount of vitamin C found in one orange, to which it is added a certain number of spices and herbs and also honey, full sugar cane juice (jaggery) and clarified nutter (ghee) in a small amount.
  •     The vitamin C contained in Amla has a special composition and even after cooking it remains in the fruit.
  •     The vitamin C is well-known to be a powerfull natural antioxidant agent which delays the effect of ageing process and chyawanprash contains a particular form of vitamin C which is very effective.

Indications of Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam :

  •    Cough
  •    Arthritis
  •    High Antioxidant
  •    Asthma
  •    Urinary Problems
  •    Improves memory
  •    Fever
  •    Strength
  •    Heart problems
  •    Said to increase lifespan
  •    Increases immunity
  •    General well-being

Some properties of Chyawanprash:

  •     Eases constipation
  •     Strengthens the immune system
  •     Improves memorization and concentration
  •     Calm the nervous system
  •     Slow down the effects of ageing process
  •     Enhances fertility and keeps menstruation regular
  •     Purifies the blood, eliminates toxins and is beneficial to liver
  •     Improves complexion and fights against bacterial skin infection
  •     Increases the power of digestion, absorption and assimilation of food
  •     Acts as an antidepressant and tranquillizer for persons suffering of depression
  •     Promotes absorption of calcium, leading to stronger bones and teeth
  •     Improves muscle tone by enhancing protein synthesis
  •     Deeply recommended for the children and the old persons.
  •     Its regular consumption will protect you from the diseases of the respiratory system (cough, asthma, bronchite, etc.) and will re-inforce your organism in its globality by balancing the 3 doshas.

Dosage of Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam :

  •     Adult : 10 to 15 g - One tea spoon twice a day followed with hot milk
  •     Children : 5 to 10 g - One tea spoon per day followed with hot milk

Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam - Improving metabolism and immune system

Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam

Ingredients of Kottakkal Ayurveda Chyavanaprasam:

  •     Dasamula (each) : 89 mg
  •     Bala : 89 mg
  •     Musta : 89 mg
  •     Jivaka : 89 mg
  •     Rshabhaka : 89 mg
  •     Utpala : 89 mg
  •     Parniniau (each) : 89 mg
  •     Pippali : 89 mg
  •     Sringi : 89 mg
  •     Meda : 89 mg
  •     Ttamalaki : 89 mg
  •     Truti : 89 mg
  •     Jivanti : 89 mg
  •     Jongaka : 89 mg
  •     Draksha : 89 mg
  •     Paushkara : 89 mg
  •     Chandna : 89 mg
  •     Sathi : 89 mg
  •     Punarnava : 89 mg
  •     Dwikakoli (each) : 89 mg
  •     Kakanasa : 89 mg
  •     Amrita : 89 mg
  •     Abhaya : 89 mg
  •     Vidari : 89 mg
  •     Vrshamula : 89 mg
  •     Dhatriphala : 3.048 g
  •     Taila : 0.762 ml
  •     Ghrita : 0.762 ml
  •     Matsyandika : 4.444 g
  •     Tukakshiri : 356 mg
  •     Pippali : 178 mg
  •     Chaturjata (each) : 22 mg
  •     Madhu : 1.143 ml

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