
Kottakkal Ayurveda Amritarishtam

by Kottakkal Ayurveda

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Kottakkal Ayurveda Amritarishtam description

Description:Amritarishta is also known as Amrutarishta, Amritarishtam etc.
It is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine.
Amritarishta contains about 5 – 8 % of self generated natural alcohol in it. This self generated alcohol and the water present in the product acts as a media to deliver water and alcohol soluble the active herbal components to the body.

It is used in the treatment of all types of fever.


Doctors also use this for the treatment of-
Improving immunity in children and adults
Seasonal cold and cough


Amritarishta dosage:

  1. 12 – 24 ml. one or two times a day, usually advised after food.
  2. If needed, equal quantity of water can be added before consumption.


Vishamajwarantakam, Brihajjvarankusam, Sudarshana Churna,  etc.


How long to use:
Based on doctor’s prescription, this medicine can be used for 4 – 8 weeks

Safe for kids:
Safe in lower doses for kids above 3 years of age. Accidental over-dosage should be strictly avoided.

Pregnancy and lactation:
Best to avoid during pregnancy, however can be taken after consulting doctor. Can be taken during lactation period, after consulting doctor.


Amritarista uses: It is one of the widely used medicine in the treatment of chronic fevers, malaria, indigestion etc.


Amritarisht side effects: A very high dose of 50 ml or more may cause stomach irritation.


Amrutarishta ingredients: 
Amrita (Giloya – Indian tinospora) – Stem – 4.8 kg
Bilva (Bael – Aegle marmelos) – Stem bark / root – 480 g
Shyonaka (Oroxylum indicum) – Stem bark / root  – 480 g
Gambhari (Gmelina arborea) – Stem bark / root  – 480 g
Patala (Stereospermum suaveolens) – Stem bark / root  – 480 g
Agnimantha (Premna mucronata) – Stem bark / root  – 480 g
Shalaparni (Desmodium gangeticum) – Root / whole plant – 480 g
Prishnaparni  (Uraria picta) – – Root / whole plant – 480 g
Brihati (Solanum melongena var. Indicum) – – Root / whole plant – 480 g
Kantakari (Solanum surattense) –  Root / whole plant – 480 g
Gokshura – Tribulus terrestris -Root / whole plant – 480 g
water for decoction – 49.152 liters
Boiled and reduced to 12.288 liters
Guda – Jaggery – 14.4 kg
Prakshepa Dravya –
Ajaji – Shweta Jiraka – Cuminum cyminum – Fruit – 768 g
Raktapushpaka – Parpataka (Fumaria parviflora) – whole plant – 96 g
Saptacchada (Saptaparna) – Alstonia scholaris – Stem bark – 48 g
Shunti – Ginger – rhizome – 48 g
Maricha – Black pepper -Fruit – 48 g
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – 48 g
Nagakeshara (Mesua ferrea) – Stamen – 48 g
Abda – Musta (Cyperus rotundus) – 48 g
Katuki (Picrorrhriza kurroa) – Rhizome – 48 g
Prativisha – Ativisha  (Aconitum heterophyllum) -Root – 48 g
Vatsabeeja – Indrayava (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – Seed – 48 g



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